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When it comes to garage doors, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Our professional technicians have provided some useful advice below on keeping your door working optimally, and on avoiding mishaps.

Clean your garage door on a regular basis

Although it's probably made from sturdy wood, steel or aluminum, your garage door should be looked after as it is constantly exposed to the elements. Wooden doors can be susceptible to water damage and their paint can chip or peel. Steel doors can rust and might need to be sanded and re-painted. Make sure you clean the door just like you clean any other part of your house or your car. This will help it last and remain functional and beautiful.

Lock your garage door from inside your house

The risk of a burglar entering your home through your garage is always a possibility so make the access from the garage to your house difficult. At night, when you lock all the doors don’t forget to look that one too, either with a physical added lock or with the digital lock option, if your opener has it. It’s a simple additional task, but it can reduce the risk tremendously.

Watch where you put your fingers

Just like the doors inside your house, the refrigerator or the desk drawers, the panels of the garage door and their hinges can pose a risk of the fingers getting pinched. If you have to lift the door manually, don't grab it at the edges of its sections or between their connecting spots.

Don’t let the remote control become a child’s toy

Young kids, and especially toddlers, like to push buttons and particularly enjoy playing with anything that reminds them of a TV remote control or a mobile phone. These tactile devices are non-stop stimulants for them, so their fascination can be understood. However, you need to make sure that your children do not touch your garage door remote control. Since it can cause the door to start moving abruptly, it should be treated with great care and not like a toy.

Don't replace the bottom brackets on your own

The bottom brackets are found at the lowest two sides of the door and are connected to the garage door cables. If you try to repair them by yourself, the cables might snap. Seeing as the springs are also involved (often connected directly or indirectly to the lift cables) there's a high risk for serious injuries as well. It's better to have someone like our professionals safely take care of these parts for you.

Make sure all the tracks are aligned

Garage door balance adjustment is important, but the rest of the hardware parts must be aligned, too. When the tracks are not adjusted properly, the rollers could pop out of them and the door will get stuck. When this happens, the system will become unstable and dangerous.  Track realignment is usually needed when some parts (usually nuts, screws, and bolts) become loose. As a result, the brackets and the hinges may also loosen up and the entire door will start rattling when moving.

Don't wait  - get problems repaired as soon as possible

While some garage door problems may seem trivial to you or not urgent, it's often best to get things fixed as soon as you find something wrong. When you let a problem continue, you may be inadvertently causing more damage to other components, and even putting yourself and your family members in danger.

Get an opener that ensures your safety

Electric garage door openers must be chosen based on the needs of your garage door in terms of horsepower output. Every modern model must also comply with the UL 325 guidelines, which means they must have a safety reverse feature that can keep them from hitting people or objects that get in the door's way while it's closing. Although many manufacturers produce great opener models, it's imperative that you check the labels. The opener must have the basic entrapment sensing features or your safety will be compromised.

Preparation before Lubrication

Before you start lubricating the moving metal parts of your garage door, you need to first make sure to clean them properly, to make sure you don't create a sticky mess that results from the combination of dust, dirt and the lubricant. This will make the process more effective, rather than producing an adverse effect.

Although it's probably made from sturdy wood, steel or aluminum, your garage door should be looked after as it is constantly exposed to the elements. Wooden doors can be susceptible to water damage and their paint can chip or peel. Steel doors can rust and might need to be sanded and re-painted. Make sure you clean the door just like you clean any other part of your house or your car. This will help it last and remain functional and beautiful.
The risk of a burglar entering your home through your garage is always a possibility so make the access from the garage to your house difficult. At night, when you lock all the doors don’t forget to look that one too, either with a physical added lock or with the digital lock option, if your opener has it. It’s a simple additional task, but it can reduce the risk tremendously.
Just like the doors inside your house, the refrigerator or the desk drawers, the panels of the garage door and their hinges can pose a risk of the fingers getting pinched. If you have to lift the door manually, don't grab it at the edges of its sections or between their connecting spots.
Young kids, and especially toddlers, like to push buttons and particularly enjoy playing with anything that reminds them of a TV remote control or a mobile phone. These tactile devices are non-stop stimulants for them, so their fascination can be understood. However, you need to make sure that your children do not touch your garage door remote control. Since it can cause the door to start moving abruptly, it should be treated with great care and not like a toy.
The bottom brackets are found at the lowest two sides of the door and are connected to the garage door cables. If you try to repair them by yourself, the cables might snap. Seeing as the springs are also involved (often connected directly or indirectly to the lift cables) there's a high risk for serious injuries as well. It's better to have someone like our professionals safely take care of these parts for you.
Garage door balance adjustment is important, but the rest of the hardware parts must be aligned, too. When the tracks are not adjusted properly, the rollers could pop out of them and the door will get stuck. When this happens, the system will become unstable and dangerous. Track realignment is usually needed when some parts (usually nuts, screws, and bolts) become loose. As a result, the brackets and the hinges may also loosen up and the entire door will start rattling when moving.
While some garage door problems may seem trivial to you or not urgent, it's often best to get things fixed as soon as you find something wrong. When you let a problem continue, you may be inadvertently causing more damage to other components, and even putting yourself and your family members in danger.
Electric garage door openers must be chosen based on the needs of your garage door in terms of horsepower output. Every modern model must also comply with the UL 325 guidelines, which means they must have a safety reverse feature that can keep them from hitting people or objects that get in the door's way while it's closing. Although many manufacturers produce great opener models, it's imperative that you check the labels. The opener must have the basic entrapment sensing features or your safety will be compromised.
Before you start lubricating the moving metal parts of your garage door, you need to first make sure to clean them properly, to make sure you don't create a sticky mess that results from the combination of dust, dirt and the lubricant. This will make the process more effective, rather than producing an adverse effect.
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* $29 service call - deducted from the service

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Mar 12, 2025
8:00AM - 10:00AM
10:00AM - 12:00PM
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